Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioanaspulber17, 8 ani în urmă

Vă roooog dau COROANA ...SERIOS
Put the verbs in brackets into the past
simple or the past continuous. Write in
your notebook.
1 While I ... (visit) my family in London, I ... (see)
many amazing sights.
2 Where ... (Jim/spend) his summer holidays?
3 What ... (you/do) at 4 o'clock in the afternoon
4 George ... (not sleep) when I... (arrive) home.
5 Zach ... (not come) to the party with us last
night because he ... (be) tired. (5x4=20)​

Utilizator anonim: were visiting / saw

2.did Jim spend

3. were you doing

4. wasn't sleeping / arrived

5. didn't come / was being

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MrSarcasm

1. were visiting / saw

2.did Jim spend

3. were you doing

4. wasn't sleeping / arrived

5. didn't come / was being

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