Engleza, întrebare adresată de sebi5947, 8 ani în urmă

va salut am nevoie de rezolvarea exercițiul 3 va rog frumos ! ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bibart29


Isabelle felt comforted being interviewed by three people

Răspuns de cozrenata20


  1. Philip dosen't like job interviews, but he dosen't have a choice
  2. A surprising large number of people would rather be happy than wealthy
  3. isabelle felt comforted being interviewed by three people
  4. his performance at the race improved considerably after training hard for weeks
  5. i gave simon the promotion because he is both reliable and extremely good at his job

sebi5947: multumesc mult
bibart29: n-ai oentru ce
bibart29: pentru*
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