Engleza, întrebare adresată de bella04, 9 ani în urmă

VAA ROGG!!!!AJUTATI-MA!!!PLS!!!Read the story and try to guesss the missing words.Then listen and see if you were right..Hello! Hi,Kirsty!It's me,Em.What .........? I'm ........ TV.Why? I ..... to talk to you.Can you come over to my house? Hi!What's ........? It's about Daniel. Daniel? repede!!!cat mai repede!!dau pct si coroana!!e neaparat!!!!sunt singura la casa si nu are nimeni sa-mi arate.PLSS!!!!!!VVAA ROGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AJUTATI-MA!!!!!!!!!!!Macar incercati.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de superstorm17
Hi,Kirsty!It's me,Em.Whatare you doing? I'm watching TV.Why? I wanted to talk to you.Can you come over to my house? Hi!What's happening/going on/this about? It's about Daniel.
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