Engleza, întrebare adresată de ijgfw, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Katsumax
1. Nick said that he didn't try the shoes before he bought them.
2. Pete asked Nick what he did at the shoemaker's two days before.
3. Ann said that she doesn't like those sandals.
4. Nadia said that she wore high-heeled shoes at the party.
5. Mum asked if I wanted to go shopping the next day.
6. Jim said that he will repair his boots the next day.
7. Tom said that his father will visit the footwear exhibition two days after.
8. Maria told her friend that she usually wears low-heeled shoes.
9. Radu told the shop assistant that those shoes are not comfortable and that they are too tight.
10. Lucy said that those leather shoes were in fashion then.
11. Nelly said that his father didn't buy boots every year.
12. She asked what that shop did sell.
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