Engleza, întrebare adresată de cazanmaryalexandra, 8 ani în urmă

vreau 10 slogane pentru protejarea planetei in engleza ....ex:Save water when you wash your cloths and when you brush your teeth

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sofiahaidu


To close the water when you brush your teeth it takes a second

Save the turtles, stop trow the garblage in the sea!

I taked the plastic to the school and now the nature is cool.

Stop distroing your planet!

If you want a clean planet, fight for it!

You can help your planet, but you must try to do it!

Nu mai stiu ce sa zic, sper ca e bine!

cazanmaryalexandra: ms
sofiahaidu: la prima e fara it
sofiahaidu: scz
DaryRo13: ms de tema xD
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