Engleza, întrebare adresată de Alexbosul64, 9 ani în urmă

Vreau 20 de propoziții în limba engleză cu verbul ,, TO BE,,

nechitamagdale: Poat scrie 10 ?
nechitamagdale: Ma doare mana?
Alexbosul64: Da
Alexbosul64: 10
nechitamagdale: Doamne... 000000
Alexbosul64: Nechitamagdale ma ajuți???
nechitamagdale: Scriu

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nechitamagdale
I am a doctor.
She is here.
They are at the school.
You  are beautiful.
Is you brother taller than you?
We are students.
You are not evil.
I am very funny.
Tom was not in the right place.
They were not pilots.
Were you there ar the restaurant,my friend ? 
My teacher was a very kind person.
Her question was difficult.
I am happy.
Are you a teacher ? 
Is he your friend?
Am I right ? 
Were you tired  ? 
Are you Swedish ? 
Are they late for work ? 
You are my friends.

Eu zic ca e bine ! 
Succes !!! 

Alexbosul64: Ms
nechitamagdale: Sa dai Coronita,ok ?
Alexbosul64: Sunt 21
nechitamagdale: ha?
Alexbosul64: Coroana va merge peste 2 ore
nechitamagdale: Hai atunci
nechitamagdale: Dai*
nechitamagdale: Pa-pa
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