Vreau o compunere despre prietenie 8n limba engleza
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My best friend.
Friendship is very important, especially for me. During my studying, from elementary school to university, I have lots of friends. Among these, there are a few friends who are my best friends.
Now I would like to describe you one of my best friend whose name is Peter. A main reason for what I consider him my best friend is that he has a warm personality.
He is very friendly when he meets me. He smiles politely and asks me what have I done in the days when we didn’t see each other.
Furthermore, Peter is good manner. He never lies, he’s a faithful friend and I can trust in him in any problem. He’s also a very funny person, always tells jokes and makes me laugh.
To summarize, Peter is my best friend who has a good personality and ability in making proper things. I really like him.
Samuel Palmer.
Cel mai bun prieten al meu.
Prietenia este foarte importanta, in special pentru mine. In timpul anilor de studii, de la scoala elementara pana la universitate, am avut o multime de prieteni. Printre acestia sunt cativa pe care-i consider cei mai buni prieteni.
As vrea acum sa va descriu pe unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni, care se numeste Peter. Un principal motiv pentru care-l consider prietenul meu cel mai bun este firea sa calduroasa.
Este foarte prietenos atunci cand ne intalnim. Imi zambeste politicos si am intreaba ce am mai facut in zilele in care nu ne-am intalnit.
Mai mult decat atat, Peter este foarte manierat. Nu minte niciodata, este un prieten devotat si ma pot increde in el in orice privinta. Deasemenea este o persoana amuzanta, mereu ma face sa rad.
Drept concluzie, Peter este cel mai bun prieten al meu si care are o personalitate foarte buna si abilitate in a face lucrurile asa cum trebuie. Il plac cu adevarat