Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Vreau o compunere in engleza de 20 randuri care sa inceapa cu "She was staring at what was in front at her" adica traducerea "Ea statea si se holba la ceea ce se afla in fata ei"

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Neah
She was staring at what was in front at her, a little blue creature, with three big  eyes, no nose, and a pretty big mouth . Trying to touch it, the little thing starts to shine and the girl scares, making the creature to run into a tree . She makes its courage and takes the creature home, locking it into her closet . After not a long time, the Little Blue ( the name she gave to the creature ) starts to kick into the closets door, but no one was there . An hour after, the girl comes in and hears him, so she opens the door, letting the Little Blue out . He comes into the middle of the room, looks arrownd, and as he sees the opened window, he jumps right out and runs into the forest, with the girl after him . After a great chase, the little creature stops and a great light starts to shine from the sky, and a round shaped flying object lands in front of him . The extraterrestrial ship opens, letting the Little Blue to enter and it takes off right away. The girl, amazed by the happening, goes home and tells everything to her mom .

Sper ca te-am ajutat, mi-a luat destul de mult si e prima data cand scriu o compunere in engleza . La un titlu nu m-am gandit, dar cred ca ai putea gasi si tu ceva potrivit .

Neah: Nu e de pe google
Neah: Am facut-o eu acum .
Neah: ;)
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