Engleza, întrebare adresată de AlexRo2k, 8 ani în urmă

Vreau o compunere in engleza despre filmul meu preferat sa fie peste 100 de cuvinte ​

alexovidiuu: Si care e filmul tau preferat?
AlexRo2k: star wars, the matrix , sau ce vrei tu numai sa fie scrisa de tine
alexovidiuu: Nu stiu filmele dar pot despre altceva?
AlexRo2k: trebuie doar filme
AlexRo2k: sau animeuri
funnycollege: mai bine film decat anime, iti scriu acum 2 daca vrei si alegi care iti place mai mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de funnycollege



My favourite film

Watching movies is my favorite pastime. For me, "Titanic" will continue to be my favorite movie. Not only because of the historical significance of the film's storyline, but also because of the scenery in the film and the self-confidence and self-adaptability of the actors, the film stands out from all other films. Titanic not only takes the power of love to flourish in various situations as its dominant theme, but also reveals the fact that people can find love anywhere, no matter what the situation. 1,500 of the 2,200 people on board died, and crazy efforts to save some passengers will only make the story more beautiful.

The scenes of the movie make the story more attractive. The dolphins were playing beside the boat off the coast of England. The sun was shining at the beginning of the journey. Jack was determined to make sure that Rose lived a happy and fulfilling life, which made this already beautiful story even more interesting. None of the desires and experiences of young people depicted in the movie can match it. All aspects of the film, from the cast to the selection of the scenes, are perfect, with clear and perfect themes.

-201 cuvinte


My favourite movie

I have many hobbies such as sports, foods, games and especially movies. I have a lot kinds of movie such as horror, romantic, war, historical.

"Forrest Gump" is a very touching story. It shows that one can enjoy life without being stingy, materialistic or cruel. It helps us realize that many of us are born with various defects. This fact makes me feel how lucky I am to be completely healthy. The movie also contains a love story. This is a dramatic plot, because Forrest loves a girl, and because of his shortcomings, she doesn't think he is a serious companion. But they finally got married. Although she died of a fatal illness. In addition, we see the love between mother and child. All this makes me think that this movie is a very moving story.

We saw excellent performances by Tom Hanks and many other actors. The film won 11 Oscars, which is a good proof that this is an excellent film. As a result I consider Tom Hanks one of the best actors.

-175 cuvinte

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