Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreea35648, 10 ani în urmă

Vreau o compunere scurta despre legenda trandafirului in limba engleza. Am nevoie urgent de ajutor

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Răspuns de Mimi2003

A legend tells us that in the Garden of Eden all roses were white-sign purity. When Adam and Eve did primordial sin and God banished from Paradise, roses shame turned red, then red trandafdirii signify passionate love, are what's jingasa way to spune-- you iubesc.In June when the roses are in bloom, there's more weddings.
In India veke eczista a habit, according caruiea emperor who brought her a rose could ciara any. In Veki I ran, apersilor country dedicated to poets take u rose hundreds of volume.In Persian Rose was called Giul and Persians called their country trandafiri.In giulistan-garden cultivated rose bushes Egypt since the sec 1 BC
As stated Anacreon, the rose was born from the foam as white as milk, which wrapped the body of Aphrodite, goddess of love caind of Esit of undamarii..Una of many legends owes its origin Rose says Diana, goddess of Amur vinatoriei.Indragostita goddess it feared because of pink, a nymph draguta.Cuprinsa a wild anger, she lure unfortunate scorombar bush and wounding a spiny shrub with thorns that an inanimate omori.Gasindu-girlfriend, a trapped Amur shed bitter tears that scorombar.Stropita tears fell on his bush caught a fly with some lovely flowers, with roses.
In Greece rose was the symbol of love and frumusetei.Grecilor like garlands of roses, with roses adorned her carriage luota the soldier, who was returning victorious from war, sprinkle them with these flowers adorned the bride's head rose drumul.Coroana, the path that led home and bedding her nuptial petals were sprinkled with scented roses.
Love sometimes exceeded rose rationalului.Dusumeaua hall feasts, in which Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt received the Marcus Antonius, afost covered with a layer of rose petals thick elbow Cred ca e buna . Bye

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