Engleza, întrebare adresată de liaa, 10 ani în urmă

Vreau sa imi fie tradusa in engleza urmatoarea compunere .. Dar va rog doar cine stie , fiindca nu vreau sa imi fie tradusa pe internet ..
                                             Vacanta de vara
Vacata de vara a fost una foarte frumoasa .  M-am distrat foarte mult in vara aceasta .
         Am fost de doua ori la mare  dar nu cu parintii mei ci cu clubul meu sportiv . Acolo ne-am distrat mult . Am fost pe plaja , am facut  baie in mare si am mers in parcul de distractii  . Dar noi am avut si cateva antrenamente pe care ori am avrut ori nu am vrut , noi trebuia sa le facem . Nu ma plang din cauza acesta pentru ca pe langa distractie , trebuie sa existe si putin antrenament . Din pacate , am stat doar o saptamana acolo si mi s-a parut ca timpul a trecut foarte repede .
   Intr-un final , am ramas cu o impresie frumoasa si spun ca tot ce e  frumos , se termina repede .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreeaioanaa
The last summer holiday was very beautiful.I had very much fun last summer.
I went at the seaside 2 times with my sport club,not with my parents.We had so much fun  there!I went to the beach,I swam in the sea and I went to the fun park.
However,we had some trainings that either we wanted or not,we had to do them.I don't complain for this reason because in addition to fun,there must be some trainings.
Unfortunately,I stayed just one week and it seemed that the time passed very quickly.
In the end,I have a very good impression and I can say that all beautiful things(or moments) end quickly.

Răspuns de Dana89
  Summer vacation

It was a great summer vacation, I had a lot of fun. I went to the sea two times, but not with my parents, but with my sports club. We had a lot of fun. We went to the beach, we swam in the sea and we went to the amusement park.  But we also had a couple of practice sessions that he had to do whether we wanted to or not. But I'm not complaining about that, because, besides having fun, we also have to do some practice. Unfortunately, we only stayed there for a week, and it seemed like time flew by very fast. In the end, I was left with very nice memories, and I believe that everything that's nice ends quickly. 
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