Engleza, întrebare adresată de Eremia, 10 ani în urmă

vreau sa imi traduceti textul in engleza va rog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Era o zi obijnuita . Ploaia s-a oprit si desigur a aparut un curcubeu pe cer.Am iesit din casa cu o carte foarte ciudata care am gasit.o in camara bunicii .Nu am avut nici odata curajul sa o deschid ! In regula ,am iesit din casa si m.am dus in gradina .Acolo era noroi ,iar in el am gasit un magnet . L.am pastrat ,poate deaceea oameni ma cred ciudata.Am deschis cartea si se pare a fi jurnalul mamei mele , mama si tatal meu au murit intr.un accident cu masina ,pe coperta era desenat o fata trista si o fata bucuroasa ,iar in ea se pare scria si.ar fi dorit sa mergem la mare ,niciodata n.am fost ,dar cel putin eu imi doream ... Bunica m.a vazut ca eu am citit deja jurnalul mamei .Ea mi.a explicat ca daca mama mea nu mai poate sa ma duca m.a va duce ea cand bunicul va veni acasa ,bunicul a plecat in Moldova cu treburi .Eram in culmea fericiri ,dar chiar atunci s.a intamplat ceva  ciudat  : un fulger urmat de un tunet m.a speriat de moarte ! DUPA O PLOAIE LUNGA SA FULGERE ! CE?! Oricum , eram prea fericita pentru a ma gandi la mici detalii neinsemnate ! Dupa 3 saptamani bunicul a venit acasa iar dupa 4 saptamani eram in avion pregatita sa merg la mare in Austria . Dupa o luna , nu stiu cum ,bunica a hotarat sa ne mutam acolo ! 
Dupa 5 ani am ajuns la facultatea de drept si am chemat.o pe bunica pe plaja sa vorbim ceva important ,mai degraba o veste.Eram acolo cu bunica si cu o broasca testoasa si ne uitam la stele cand i.am spus bunicii ca am primit o bursa !!! Bunica era in culmea fericiri la fel ca mine.
Si aceasta este povestea mea ! 

va rog sa mi.o traduca cineva in engleza va rooog !

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de antonio9990
It was a regular day. The rain stopped and of course a rainbow appeared in the sky.I walked out of the House with a very strange book that we found in Grandma's pantry a.I had no courage to once I open it! Okay, I walked out of the House and garden shower m.am.There was mud, and in it I found a magnet. It may therefore preserved L.am people think me strange.I opened the book and it seems to be my mother's diary, my mom and my dad died in a car crash., on the cover it was drew a sad face and a happy face, and it turns out he wrote si.ar wanted to go to sea, never been n.am, but at least I wanted ... Grandma m. seeing as I already read her mother's diary.She explained to me that if my mother can no longer carry me I will take it to when Grandpa comes home, Grandpa went to Moldova with chores.We were in the height of happiness, but even then it was happened something strange: a Flash followed by a thunder m. to scared to death! AFTER A LONG RAIN TO LIGHTNING! WHAT?! Anyway, I was too happy to me think about insignificant details! After 3 weeks of grandfather came home and after 4 weeks I was on the plane ready to go to sea in Austria. After a month, I don't know how the grandmother decided to commute there!After 5 years I got to law school and I called Grandma's on the beach to talk something important, rather the news.I was there with her grandmother and with a turtle and we are looking at the stars when I say grandmother i.am received a scholarship! Grandma was in the height of happiness just like me.
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