Engleza, întrebare adresată de Jullie1, 9 ani în urmă

Vreau si eu 10 propozitii in care sa folosim Past Continuous in care sa povestim ce am facut la 11.30AM ieri
(sa fie ceva normal va rog)
Repedeeee plssss!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de varanefangirl
1. I was reading a book at this time yesterday.
2. I was playing the guitar at this time yesterday.
3. I was going in park at this time yesterday.
4. I was playing tenis/football at this time yesterday. 
5. I was washing the dishes at this time yesterday.
6. I was going to the market at this time yesterday.
7. I was eating pears at this time yesterday.
8. I was eating apples at this time yesterday.
9. I was sleeping at this time yesterday.
10. I was calling Cristiano/Mihai at this time yesterday.
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