Engleza, întrebare adresată de Babone, 9 ani în urmă

Vreau si eu 10 propozitii in engleza si apoi traduse in romana cu conditionala de tipul 2 . Va rog Frumos..

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MrsAnca
1-if you were here you would eat ice cream
daca erai aici ai fi mancat inghetata
2-they would swim if they were at the swimming pool 
ei ar inota daca ar fi la piscina
3-i shouldn't do that if i were you
n-as face asta daca as fi in locul tau
4-we would play tennis if we had rackets 
am juca tenis daca am avea rachete
5-if i had a cat i should play with it
daca aveam o pisica m-as juca cu ea
6-if she wanted some tea,she would chose ice tea
daca ar vrea niste ceai,ar alege ice tea
7-if ben knew the truth,he would tell it to her
daca ben ar sti adevarul i l-ar spune
8-if it rained she would take an umbrella
daca ar ploua ,si-ar lua umbrela
9-if i had a cold i should go to a doctor
daca as fi racit m-as duce la doctor
10-they would see wild animals if they went to the zoo
ar vedea animale salbatice daca s-ar duce la gradina zoologica
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