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Cartea mea preferata este "Amintiri din copilarie", deoarece in ea este povestita viata unui copil nazdravan, in care ma regasesc si eu oarecum si a familiei acestuia.
Sunt povestite cu lux de amanunte toate intamplarile si necazurile in care acesta a intrat de-a lungul copilariei lui, dar si etapele lui de maturizare. Familia acestuia era o familie modesta. Personajul principal al povestirii este Nica. Parintii acestuia erau niste oameni simpli de la tara, muncitori, dar cu o educatie si cu principii alese pentru a putea sa le transmita mai departe copiilor lor. Desi de-a lungul catilor Nica intalneste diferite obstacole pe care nu orice copil de varsta lui le poate depasi, el intelege acele lucruri si incearca in felul lui sa rezolve si sa treaca peste toate greutatile care ii ies in cale. Era un copil foarte destept si iscusit, desi nu se prea impaca cu scoala sau cu " Calul Balan". Calul Balan era un fel de banca pe care preotul satului ii batea pe cei care nu invatau si nu erau interesati de scoala. Spre sfarsitul cartii, Nica trebuie sa-si paraseasca plaiurile natale in care a copilarit pentru a merge la o scoala mai renumita, pentru a putea studia.
Dupa parerea mea, "Amintiri din copilarie" ar trebui citita de fiecare copil si adult care nu a citit-o, deoarece Nica poate fi un exemplu pentru toti cititorii!!!
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My favourite book it's called "Childhood Memories". It is about the life of a prankish kid, in which I rediscover myself somehow, and his family.
There are told all the good and bad things that the boy's done during his childhood, and also his mature stages. The protagonist it's called Nică. His family is a modest one. They are simple hardworking country people. They had high standards when talking about the education of their children.
Although he had to overcome obstacles that not many kids (of) his age could, he gets over all of his problems. He's a very intelligent and diligent child, however, he does not like school too much and neither the "White Horse". In reality, the White Horse was the bench the kids who weren't interested in school were beaten on. Towards the end of the book, Nică left the small village where he'd grew up in, so he could study at a well-known school.
In my opinion, "Childhood Memories" should be read by every child, adult too, because Nică could be a role model for all the audiance!
There are told all the good and bad things that the boy's done during his childhood, and also his mature stages. The protagonist it's called Nică. His family is a modest one. They are simple hardworking country people. They had high standards when talking about the education of their children.
Although he had to overcome obstacles that not many kids (of) his age could, he gets over all of his problems. He's a very intelligent and diligent child, however, he does not like school too much and neither the "White Horse". In reality, the White Horse was the bench the kids who weren't interested in school were beaten on. Towards the end of the book, Nică left the small village where he'd grew up in, so he could study at a well-known school.
In my opinion, "Childhood Memories" should be read by every child, adult too, because Nică could be a role model for all the audiance!
Doar grew up*
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