Engleza, întrebare adresată de piesa13, 9 ani în urmă

Vreau si eu cate o prop in engleza cu cuv date: to last= a dura, to save=a salva, to deal with=a se descurca, despite=in ciuda faptelor ca... , to obey=a se supune/ a supune, eventually=din cele din urma, to tame= a îmblânzi.
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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de razvanrotaru65
You come to last.
I save a piggie from a faier.
I deal whit this proprietor.
I  run despite the circumstances.
I obey your comunications.
Răspuns de Mih2007
The movie lasted two hours. I saved my money to buy a new car. He deals daily with poor people. Despite of all these freezing days , children have been happy to play outside. He forced her to obey his rules. Eventually we ll stop to visit you. He worked a lot to team the dog.
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