Engleza, întrebare adresată de maria480, 9 ani în urmă

vreau și eu o compunere în engleză despre profesorul ideal va rog e urgent

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


My favourite teacher

Mr. Adrian Stroe is my favourite teacher and I would like any teacher to be like him.

Mr. Stroe has been teaching Maths since 2001, so he has already gained a lot of experience with schoolchildren. His teaching method is really interesting. He provides us all the information, we solve exercises and problems together in an amusing way, sometimes organizing "lightening competitions" (that's how he names them) and maintaining a spirit of friendly rivalry among us. Another intelligent idea is that he asks us to guess our qualification after the tests, but before showing us the results. If our guess is in the range of plus/minus 5%, we get an extra point. If my qualification is 8.00 and I predict it is 7.90, the qualification that will appear in the school register will be 9.

At his young age of about 42-45 years old, he is still close to us, helping each of us to understand this subject and offering us a big smile. His dark brown eyes watch us attentively during the tests, he hates lies and he definitely doesn't allow us to "inspire" ourselves from the deskmate. He says that if we do it at a young age, we will always do the same as adults. I like his being so open and fair.

He also enjoys to take us on trips in the mountains and he freely chats with us, as if we were good old friends. We simply love him!

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