Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreyolteanu67, 10 ani în urmă

Vreau si eu o poveste in engleza cu urmatoarele cuvinte: James, paths,
animals, zoo, empty, 2 o'clock, cold and wet, gorilla's cage, shocked,
cuts, dirty fur, touch, hand, help, row the boat, river, sigh with
relief, safe, it's OK, free. Sau ceva asemanator care sa ma ajute!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Elisse
One day James came to me and said. "we need to do something" and i asked "about what" then he started to tell me about the animals in the zoo...how they are captured in cage...and they are kept in cold and wet places...how their dirty fur and deep cuts are obvious and many other awful things. We both knew they should be free but we couldn't do anything about it. We dreamed about how we could go at the zoo at 2 o'clock when it is emply and we could go into the gorilla's cage and help and get him out of there. We could just row the boat and get it along the river.into the forest where we could just say to the gorilla..".ït's OK...you're free" and then we would have a sigh with relief...knowing that it's finally fine...but the reality was different...we were just kids...we werent even suppoused to touch the gorilla's hand because everyone said it was not safe...so we could just stay far away...and watch everything with pain in our chest and tears in our eyes.

Elisse: nu-i buna..da tot e ceva decat nimic...:))
irinateleoaca: Cum nu e bună?! E prea bună! Bravo, ambițiosule!!!!!
irinateleoaca: Îți dau eu mulțumesc fiindcă mi-a plăcut foarte tare compunerea ta!
irinateleoaca: AI mici erori de ortografie: 'empty', 'weren't', 'supposed'.
Elisse: multumesc de apreciere si de corectare :)
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