Engleza, întrebare adresată de Alindui9, 8 ani în urmă

Vreau și eu rezolvarea acestui exercițiu!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Marinelaslabu


Asking for advice



A: i want to but a New car, but I havent saved enough Money. What should i do?

B: If i were you, id get a loan.

Deci trebuie sa faci propoziție care sunt în text

Și sa se formezi corect

A:What do you think i should do if i have to start a bussnies?

B:i suggest you to start easy, Have patience!

A:im having a problem deciding what to do with My car, should i sell it?

B:Whatever u do, dont sell it so expensvie , People wont buy it.

A: What should i do? im having trobloue with poor grades.

B:heres what id do. Id install a study app, it helps me so much!

A:i really dont know what to do about My son, his always on his phone, i want him to be more active!

B: u should try to talk to him, try to understand why his always on his phone

A: Any ideas how i could be more artistic?

B: you d better be more creative!

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