Engleza, întrebare adresată de AmyTheWeirdo, 8 ani în urmă

Vreau și eu un eseu in engleză cu tema: "Este bine să avem acces nelimitat la internet?", vă rog! Se referă la acces nelimitat la cunoștințele de pe internet, fie ele rele sau bune.
Dau coroană!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NeaSmith
The internet is a great invention for humanity. It helps us find information of all kinds in just the click of a few buttons, in matters of second. It entertains people, it helps and informs people, it makes life easier in general. But, there's a big question many people wonder : Is it good to have unlimited access to internet ? Could it potentially harm us in any way ? The simple answer is yes. It can. And there are multiple ways through which it can. But the most common one is called internet addiction. Internet addiction can be slightly harmful or really harmful. Depends on the person it affected. People are on their phones all the time nowadays, so, it's inevitable. You could get addicted to watching Youtube videos, playing online games, social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and many other things that are less common. If you browse through them moderately, it's alright, but if you almost constantly spend time on it, then it's an addiction for sure. It makes you lose sleep at night, unable to focus, and lazy. Therefore, you should really try to get rid of this addiction as fast as possible. You could use apps that keep track of the time you spend online, that remind you when you've got work to do, remind you when to sleep, etc. So, again, the answer to "Is it good to have unlimited access to internet" is no.

NeaSmith: Cu placere.
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