Engleza, întrebare adresată de Hodorogeamihai, 9 ani în urmă

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The serial *13 reasons why* appeared in the year 2017.This serial was inspiret from a book.The series revolves around a high school student,Clay Jensen,and another student,Hannah Baker.
Hannah Baker school incidents.A box of cassette topes recorded by Hannah before her suicide details thirtean reasons why she ended her life.Some followers said that this serial is promoting suicide, I think this series does not promote suicide on the contrary. Looks like we need to take care of what we say or do, because it can get to things like, although suicide is not a solution, and this serial Shows us that suicide causes chaos and that it should be avoided .. this is not the only thing that it shows ... the rate that we always have the family almost and that the friends are passers-by. In my opinion ... this serial is a very good and interesting.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Letitiasqn
Serialul *13 reasons why* a aparut in anul 2017, fiind inspirat de o carte. Serialul are ca protagonisti un elev de liceu, Clay Jensen si o eleva, Hannah Baker. O cutie cu casete filmate de Hannah detaliaza 13 motive pentru care aceasta si-a luat viata. Unii fani ar spune ca aceat serial promoveaza sinuciderea, insa eu cred chiar contrariul. Se pare ca trebuie sa avem grija de lucrurile pe care le zicem sau le facem, deoarece acestea pot cauza sinuciderea, desi aceasta nu este o solutie, acest serial aratandu-ne ca sinuciderea cauzeaza haos si ar trebui sa fie evitata. iar acesta nu e chiar singurul lucru pe care il arata.(nu inteleg ce inseamna toata propozitia aia..). Eu cred ca acest serial este foarte bun si interesant.

Hodorogeamihai: Mulțumesc! :3
Letitiasqn: cu mare drag! :)
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