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Mi-a placut modul in care cei doi se apropie, condimentat cu mici flirturi si replici amuzante, rabdarea cu care Travis incearca sa-i castige prietenia si increderea lui Abby si faptul ca Abby incearca, in ciuda sentimentelor pe care incepe sa le nutreasca pentru el, sa faca alegerea corecta si sa mentina prietenia lor drept ceea ce este, o simpla relatie amicala.
In schimb, am fost deranjata de faptul ca Abby nu a renuntat sa se intalneasca cu un alt barbat cand si-a dat seama ce simte pentru Travis, ca a acceptat invitatia acestuia la cina si apoi l-a abandonat pentru a fugi la chemarea lui Travis si ca, in loc sa-l tempereze pe Travis cand devenea violent la cea mai mica provocare sau gluma, l-a incurajat sa-i dea o lectie unui coleg. Cred ca Abby ar fi trebuit sa discute cu Travis despre momentele in care acesta isi pierdea cumpatul din gelozie si sa incerce sa-l determine sa aiba incredere in ea, nu sa-i indeparteze cu pumnii pe baietii care indraznesc sa sa apropie prea mult.
Cu toate ca l-am adorat pe Travis si incapanarea lui cand era vorba sa o cucereasca pe Abby, mi-a displacut modul in care se refugiaza in alcool si in flirtul cu alta fata cand relatia dintre el si Abby se sfarseste. Sentimentul de tradare si de furie pe care l-a simtit Abby in acele momente a fost aproape palpabil si am putut sa inteleg cat de ranita a fost. Au fost momente in care gelozia si posesivitatea lui devin ilogice, cand furia il determina sa devina violent fara a avea motive cu adevarat importante.
Pe de alta parte, autoarea construieste un personaj secundar minunat, in persoana celei mai bune prietene a lui Abby, America. Loiala, protectoare, sincera, iubitoare, America este genul de fata care-si pune cea mai buna prietena mai presus de orice, care-i este alaturi la bine si la rau, o incurajeaza si o sustine chiar in detrimentul propriei relatii. Un alt personaj care mi-a placut enorm de mult este varul lui Travis si iubitul Americai, Shepley. Amuzant, carismatic, tandru si profund indragostit de America, Shepley este pentru mine "Travis-ul" admiratoarelor acestui volum. Cuplul format din America si Shepley este adorabil, iar relatia lor este una dintre cele mai frumoase pe care le-am intalnit in volumele contemporane pe care le-am citit in ultimul timp.
Pe scurt, as putea sa spun ca Fericirea incepe azi este genul de volum in care suma micilor greseli nu poate sterge din mintea cititorului momentele fermecatoare si palpitante, care te fac sa indragesti volumul si sa te atasezi de personaje. Important este sa descoperim in fiecare carte invataminte si limite pe care putem sau nu sa le depasim in viata, fara a renunta la placerea lecturarii unei povesti de dragoste mai mult sau mai putin coplesitoare.
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I liked how the two approaches, spiced with little flirtations and funny lines, Travis patience with trying to win his friendship and trust that Abby and Abby tries, despite feeling that begins to cherish for him to make the right choice and maintain their friendship for what it is, just a friendly relationship.Instead, I was disturbed by the fact that Abby did not give to meet with another man when she realized what she feels for Travis, he accepted his invitation to dinner and then abandoned to flee to the call of Travis and that instead it became violent temper when Travis at the slightest provocation or joke encouraged to give a lesson to a colleague. I think Abby should talk to Travis about the times when he loses his temper jealous and try to make him trust her, not her fists away with the guys who dare to get too close.
Although I adored Travis and his incapanarea when it came to conquer Abby, I disliked how the refuge in alcohol and flirting with another girl when his relationship with Abby ends. The feeling of betrayal and anger that he felt in those moments Abby was almost palpable and I could understand how it was injured. There were times when jealousy and possessiveness's become illogical, when anger causes him to become violent without just cause really important.
On the other hand, the author builds a wonderful secondary character in the person's best friend Abby, America. Loyal, protective, honest, loving, America is the kind of girl who puts her best friend and above all, what is better or worse with a encourages and sustains even the detriment of their relationships. Another character who I liked very much was his cousin and boyfriend Travis Americas, Shepley. Funny, charismatic, gentle and deeply in love with America, Shepley is for me, "Travis's" admirers of this volume. The couple formed from America and Shepley is adorable, and their relationship is one of the most beautiful that I have encountered in contemporary volumes that you've read lately.
In short, I would say that Beautiful Disaster is the kind of volume in the amount of small mistakes can remove the reader's mind charming and exciting moments that make you cherish the volume and get attached to the characters. It is important to find every book lessons and limits that we can not overcome them or in life, without sacrificing the pleasure of reading a romance more or less overwhelming.
Although I adored Travis and his incapanarea when it came to conquer Abby, I disliked how the refuge in alcohol and flirting with another girl when his relationship with Abby ends. The feeling of betrayal and anger that he felt in those moments Abby was almost palpable and I could understand how it was injured. There were times when jealousy and possessiveness's become illogical, when anger causes him to become violent without just cause really important.
On the other hand, the author builds a wonderful secondary character in the person's best friend Abby, America. Loyal, protective, honest, loving, America is the kind of girl who puts her best friend and above all, what is better or worse with a encourages and sustains even the detriment of their relationships. Another character who I liked very much was his cousin and boyfriend Travis Americas, Shepley. Funny, charismatic, gentle and deeply in love with America, Shepley is for me, "Travis's" admirers of this volume. The couple formed from America and Shepley is adorable, and their relationship is one of the most beautiful that I have encountered in contemporary volumes that you've read lately.
In short, I would say that Beautiful Disaster is the kind of volume in the amount of small mistakes can remove the reader's mind charming and exciting moments that make you cherish the volume and get attached to the characters. It is important to find every book lessons and limits that we can not overcome them or in life, without sacrificing the pleasure of reading a romance more or less overwhelming.
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