Engleza, întrebare adresată de japiegeorgiana59, 9 ani în urmă

Vreau traducerea in engleza:

Buna, dragi prieteni! Astazi va voi povestii o experinta din viata mea ce m-a facut sa observ ca sunt capabila de a ajuta oamenii prin ceea ce-mi place sa fac.
Acum doi ani am intalnit un baiat care era in apropiere de examenul de capacitate. Din moment ce avea probleme in familie nu a avut posibilitatea de a face medidatii si ii era frica ca nu va intra unde isi doreste. Asa ca, m-am decis sa-l ajut sa intealaga la limba romana ceea ce nu a inteles la scoala.
Timp de 2 luni i-am explicat ceea ce nu stia si exersand el a priceput si a luat totul logic, astfel incat la afisarea rezultatelor a fost foarte mandru.
Aceasta experienta m-a facut sa vad ca sunt capabila de a face ce-mi doresc, iar sentimentul de apreciere cat si cel de multumire m-au facut sa ma simt pentru prima data mai matura.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de liaka1234567

Hello my dear friends! Today I will tell you about an experience from my own life, which made me realize that I can help people by what I like to do.

I met a guy two years ago, who had to pass the proficiency exam. He couldn't attend the tutoring classes because of family issues, so he was afraid he wouldn't enter where he wanted to. Therefore I decided to help him understand everything that he didn't understand in Romanian language during the school.

For a period of two months I was explaining him all that he didn't know, thus through the practice he became skillful and when he found out exam results he was very proud.

This experience made me realize that I can do what I want and the feeling of appreciation as well as the feeling of gratitude made me feel older for the first time.

japiegeorgiana59: Multumesc!
liaka1234567: cu placere
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