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Zebra este intalnita in campie, in zone deschise, dar si in munti., in Africa. Are capul alb cu pete maro, fata de culoarea maro deschis si corpul alb-argintiu sau alb-galben cu dungi negre.
Factorul cel mai important este legat de mediul în care trăiesc și evolueaza și, mai precis, de temperatură.
Astfel, cum zebrele trăiesc în zone cu temperatura ridicată și stau mult sub soare, acest colorit de alb, cu negru, în dungi, le-ar ajuta, deoarece dungile negre, pierdute printre cele albe, se încălzesc mai greu, și în proporții diferite.
Un alt motiv cred ca ar fi adaptarea acestora la mediul în care trăiesc, dintr-un punct de vedere care implică supraviețuirea în sălbăticie.
Din punctul meu de vedere, zebrele, având dungi albe și negre sunt derutante și mai puțin ”apetisante” pentru părdători, care găsesc acest colorit deranjat din punct de vedere vizual.
Zebrele nu au niciodata dungile dispuse in acelasi fel, aceasta dispunere avand rol de camuflaj.
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Răspunsuri la întrebare
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The zebra is met in plains, in open areas but also in mountains in Africa. It has a white head with brown spots, on face a light brown, with a body white- silverish or white-yellowish with black stripes (sau lines)
The most important fact is related to the environment where it lives and develops and more precisely of temperature.
Thus, how zebras live in areas with high temperatures and stay a lot under the open sun, this hue with white, combined with black it helps them because the black stripes lost between the white ones they heat up (sau warm up dar heat rep o temp mai crescuta) harder and in different proportions.
Another reason I think it would be the adaptation of these animals to the environment from a point of view that involves the survival of these in the wilderness.
From my point of view, the zebras, having white and black stripes are confusional and less "tasty" (sau appetizing) for predators who find this hue disturbing from a visual point of view.
Zebras never have the stripes ordered in the same way, this disposition playing a role of camouflage. (sincer in creierul meu propozitia asta nu are sens :S, e foarte confuzionanta, e ca si cum spui ca zebra isi misca dungile cum vor ele...?!)
in orice caz, succes ^_^
The most important fact is related to the environment where it lives and develops and more precisely of temperature.
Thus, how zebras live in areas with high temperatures and stay a lot under the open sun, this hue with white, combined with black it helps them because the black stripes lost between the white ones they heat up (sau warm up dar heat rep o temp mai crescuta) harder and in different proportions.
Another reason I think it would be the adaptation of these animals to the environment from a point of view that involves the survival of these in the wilderness.
From my point of view, the zebras, having white and black stripes are confusional and less "tasty" (sau appetizing) for predators who find this hue disturbing from a visual point of view.
Zebras never have the stripes ordered in the same way, this disposition playing a role of camouflage. (sincer in creierul meu propozitia asta nu are sens :S, e foarte confuzionanta, e ca si cum spui ca zebra isi misca dungile cum vor ele...?!)
in orice caz, succes ^_^
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