Vreau un fragment din cartea "CORALINE"urgent!!!!!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
In Romana :
Ea cerceta grădina. A fost o grădină mare: chiar în spatele ei era un teren de tenis vechi, dar nimeni în casă nu juca tenis, iar gardul din jurul curții avea găuri în el și plasa a fost cea mai mare parte putredă; era o grădină veche de trandafiri, umplute cu tufișuri de trandafiri înțepenite; era o stâncă care era tot pietre; era un inel de basm, făcut din niște ciuperci de culoare maronoasă, care miroseau groaznic dacă le-ai călcat accidental
In Engleza :
She explored the garden. It was a big garden: at the very back was an old tennis court, but no one in the house played tennis and the fence around the court had holes in it and the net had mostly rotted away; there was an old rose garden, filled with stunted, flyblown rose bushes; there was a rockery that was all rocks; there was a fairy ring, made of squidgy brown toadstools which smelled dreadful if you accidentally trod on them.