Engleza, întrebare adresată de bianca2229, 9 ani în urmă

Watch the video about human right and write a short paragraph using Information prpvided ​

crazycat21: pune video-ul pai
crazycat21: dar nu edita intrebarea, ca ti-o dau jos de pe platforma astia de la brainly, cred ca poti sa l pui in comentarii
bianca2229: https://youtu.be/6XXGF_V8_7M
crazycat21: Bun. Acum ma apuc.
bianca2229: mulțumesc mult te pupiki
crazycat21: pwp
crazycat21: ^-^
bianca2229: poți sa ma ajuți cu ceva te rog frumos

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de crazycat21

What are human rights?

        First, a human is a member of the homo sapiens species, that means it could be a woman, a man or a child. Rights are things to which you are entitled or allowed, more exactly, freedoms that are guaranteed. Human rights are the rights you have simply because you're a human.

         There are 30 human rights right now. A whileeeeeeee ago, human rights didn't existed. In 1915, there was a man named Mahatma Gandhi who insisted that ALL people must have rights. But it wasn't as easy as he thought. His idea with 'human rights' led to two World Wars, mostly the second. Never had human rights been so terrifingly close to extincion.

          After it, the countries of the Earth banded together and formed the United Nations. Their purpose was to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights in the dignity and worth  of the human person.

       For sure it didn't last, hah.

       It took another thousand years of fighting and declarations until everyone f i n a l l y agreed that human rights should apply to everyone ...............................   But, humans still didn't had enough food, they were still straving and didn't go to school. In spite of all these, dr. King saved the situation. And not only dr. King. There was people who fight for their rights.

        Womans, mans and kids have equal rights, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination.

baftă:) (:


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