Engleza, întrebare adresată de Al3x998, 8 ani în urmă

Way up, got on, cute, scary, gave up, gave it a try, took off, suffered from recorded, went up, route, got down.

1. If you really want to become a singer, you should.............and go for an audition.
2. When Claire released her first CD, it was clear she was on the............
3. Some of the big stars went through difficult times too, but they never..........
4. As soon as we...........the plane, the pilot started the engine.
5. The plane...........at 12 o'clock, and landed at 2:30.
6. We watched a thriller, and it was so.........that some people screamed.
7. On the first day, the men..........to the camp at 4000 metres.
8. When they climbed to the top of the mountain, one of them..........altitude sickness.
9. On the way back we took.........the through the village.
10. When she was 16, she........her first song.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Tekashi
3. gave up
4. got on
5. took off
6. scary
8. suffered from
10. recorded

atât am reușit..la restul nu prea îmi vine nimic în minte , sry. :(

Al3x998: Multumesc mult.
Răspuns de lciubotaruarcap3byhm
2.way up
3. gave up
4. got on
5. took off
6. scary
7.go down
8. suffered from
10. recorded
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