Engleza, întrebare adresată de petruta12320, 9 ani în urmă

We can still see the accomplishment of ancient Rome today when We visit the city and see its monuments. These 2,000-year-old builidings are still starting because ancient Romans built them with Roman concrete. They first started using this material over 2,100 years ago. They concrete They used back then was a mix of lime volcanic ash. One of its advantages was that it dried very quickly, so they even used it to build under water. TRADUCERE VA ROG. ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de larilaralarisuca11

Inca putem vedea realizarile Romei antice cand vizitam orasul si vedem monumentele.Aceste cladiri de 2000 de ani vechime inca stau pentru ca romanii le-au construit cu beton roman.Au inceput sa utilizeze acest material de peste 2100 de ani.Foloseau un amestec de cenusa de vulcan.Unul dintre avanaje era ca se usca foarte repede,asa ca l-au folosit sa construiasca sub apa

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