Engleza, întrebare adresată de bunghezcarme14, 8 ani în urmă

Werite the negatives and interogatives of the following sentences

1 We visit our gradparents.
2 My grandfather is reading newspaper
3 He likes spending time with grandchildren​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de HoneyCovex
1. negative; we don’t visit our grandparents.
interrogative; do we visit our grandparents?

2. negative; my grandfather doesn’t read the newspaper.
interrogative; does my grandfather read the newspaper?

3. negative; he doesn’t like spending time with his grandchildren.
interrogative; does he like spending time with his grandchildren?

bunghezcarme14: La 1 nu am mai scris every weekend
bunghezcarme14: și la 2 nu am mai scris the
bunghezcarme14: Mulțumesc
HoneyCovex: aa atunci la 1 adaugi every weekend la sfarsit
HoneyCovex: cu placere tho!!!!
bunghezcarme14: am scris mai pe scurt intrebarea
bunghezcarme14: mersi
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