Engleza, întrebare adresată de Roxanasuiu, 8 ani în urmă

What are the qualities that you value most in a person? Use the words in ex 9 to describe the ideal friend.
Example: The ideal friend is honest and never lies to you.
Va rog mult ajutatima
Cuv de la ex 9 sunt:kind,good-tempered,easy-going,honest,friendly,polite,lazy,quiet,talkative,dishonest,unfriendly,hardworking,rude,anxions,bad-tempered,unkind
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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cătăLINcelMARE
The ideal friend is a good friend who will help you at all things

Roxanasuiu: ms
cătăLINcelMARE: cp :)
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