Engleza, întrebare adresată de miky556, 9 ani în urmă

what dit charlotte become a victim of bullyng?

miky556: When did Charlotte become a victim of bullying?
miky556: Why did the girls bully her ?
miky556: What sort of things did they do?
miky556: Did anyone help charlotte?
miky556: How did charlotte feel?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ddelia23
Charlotte was a girl at the age of 15 . She wasn't that pretty but she was gorgeous at chemestry . The bullying started when she moved to a new school . She tried to make friends but there were some bad girls that made fun of Charlotte because she wasn't as pretty as they were and because she was a nerd . Charlotte felt so bad , she actually tried cut her veins , but her mother stopped her . She had the support of her family and could move on . Now she is at a new school , has a lot of friends and is living the moment . 
Răspuns de jansj
ceea ce a devenit o victima a şarlota agresiunii
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