Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihaiandreea94, 9 ani în urmă

What do you think of factory farming ?
Does it exist in your country ?
Are there any other problems with farming methods in your country ?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CosminaStefaniaa
Factory farming is a problem that unfortunately occurs everywhere in the world, including my country. It is a horrible example of large scale animal cruelty, given the fact that it is nothing more than a place where animals are crammed by the thousands into windowless sheds and stuffed into wire cages where they never see any light from the sun or they never get to do any activity that is natural for them.

CosminaStefaniaa: The problem is that while the factory farming industry tries to maximize the results and minimize the costs at the animals' expenses. They are treated like objects and it is considerent normal for them to feel constant fear and torment. Their bodies are worn out by producing milk or eggs, they are transported for miles and miles whitout any water or food and their throats are slit when they are still conscious. Sadly, there aren't many things we can do to stop this kind of cruelty,
CosminaStefaniaa: the corporations who run these farms are way to powerfull. However, we can always adopt a vegan lifestyle to make a small difference
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