Engleza, întrebare adresată de dariaungureanu269, 8 ani în urmă

What scientific advance or discovery would you like to see in the near future?

Write a paragraph(8-10 lines) about the topic.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de JustAlexa

In the near future I would like to see some new kind of shoes that modify theyr size by your feet size. I think it would be really cool because people would have to buy less shoes every year just to throw them away once they remain small and that would save them more money. It would also be nice if those shoes would be hard to destroy, this way people wouldn't have to buy new shoes every time a pair gets used or they would be destroyed. This could be a bit expensive but not too expensive, the price of a normal shoe pair, just with 20% higher would be great! These shoes will of course have to be bought for each season separately, but in the end it will be worth it because of the big change in our lives. These new kind of shoes can also come in different colors and styles, from winter boots to summer sandals.

Sper ca te-am ajutat! Stiu ca sunt mai putin de 8 propozitii dar nu prea am mai avut idei. Imi pare rau daca ai facut deja exercitiul dar am zis sa incerc sa te ajut (I hope i helped you! I know there is less than 8 lines but I ran out of ideas. I am really sorry if you already did the exercise..I thought I could help at least)

dariaungureanu269: Multumesc!
JustAlexa: nu ai pentru ce!
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