Engleza, întrebare adresată de dinumario113, 8 ani în urmă

Where are Sasha and Evie going?
Listen to the dialogue and read along.
Logan Hey girls! What's up? Why are you
Sasha Sh! Logan! You don't need to talk
so loudly!
Evie Be quiet and come with us! We're
late so you need to walk quickly!
Logan Come where? What is going on?
Aren't you feeling well?
Sasha We're perfectly fine! Why are you
following us?
Logan Me? I'm only asking politely what
you're doing and...
Evie Don't be silly Logan!
Sasha Listen, we're on our way to a
meeting with the new editor of
the School Magazine.
Logan In that case you can talk to me...
because I'm the new editor!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iuliageorgescu180


Sasha and Evie are going to have a meeting with the new editor of the School Magazine.

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