Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Where? When? With whom? Listen to Nicu and Elena talking about their summer vacation. Complete the table. Say who had a more interesting vacation. Why do you think so? Nicu Elena
Ncu Iwent to the seaside with my family in the summer. We travelled by car. We liked our holiday
a lot. It was so nice to swim in the sea and lie in the sun. I also enjoyed our excursions. We
went to see a famous fortress and the local dolphinarium. Actually, I think that it is cruel to
keep the dolphins there. People loved the show, but I'm not sure the dolphins love to make
people laugh.
Elena: This summer I travelled by plane to Italy. My family and I went to see my elder sister who
studies there. I had an amazing vacation. I visited so many beautiful places. I ate the famous
Italian ice-cream and definitely their delicious pizza. One night my family and I went to the
opera. That was absolutely fantastic.

Vă rog frumos

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andralaura79


Bună!❤ฅ ( ◕ ﻌ ◕ )


Where? The seaside; forttress:local dolphinarium

When? In the summer

With whon? With family


Where? Italy;opera

When? This summer

With whon? With family (elder sister)

Who had a more interesting vacantion?

Nicu ➮ because he relaxed on the fine sands and warm water of the sea and had a great time watching the mischief of dolphins with his family,being more interesting.

Marius2221: salut mă poți ajuta la engleza
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