Engleza, întrebare adresată de Ionut602, 9 ani în urmă

Which two sentences repeat the speaker's words exactly?
1.'My parents don't understand me at all,' says Emma.
2.Emma says her parents don't understand her at all.
3.Psychologists say,'People aren't like cassette recorders.'
4.Psychologists say that people aren't like cassette recorders.
Va rog frumos sa ma ajutati

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de TudorAndrei12
1.'My parents don't understand me at all,' says Emma.
3.Psychologists say,'People aren't like cassette recorders.'

TudorAndrei12: coronita? 
Răspuns de DumbNotDumbledore
Pai ambele se portivesc cerintei

TudorAndrei12: care ambele? sunt 4 nu 2 =))
DumbNotDumbledore: Ambele perechi
TudorAndrei12: nu chiar
TudorAndrei12: ...
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