Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreeaalol, 9 ani în urmă

who can help me to make 5 sentences with present tense simple and 5 sentences with present tense continous

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de elenaale
-Present Tense Simple: 
I like to eat biscuits.
You are very good at this!
I speak english very well.
He loves pizza with a lot of cheese.
The train arrives today at 12:00.
-Presente Tense Continuos:
I'm having a party this week.
Someone is singing a very nice song!
I'm going to Sara's place this week.
I'm learning German .
Are you going to live in London?

andreeaalol: ty very much u save me
elenaale: you are welcome
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