Engleza, întrebare adresată de Erika1524, 8 ani în urmă

Why do people like to visit other countries ?
Do you like about visiting other countries?Why?
What countries would you like to visit ?Why?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Stropinel
People like to visit other countries in order to get a slice of the culture of the country the are visiting. For example, I would love to go to China thanks to their architecture, their buildings and especially, their eating ways, with the chopsticks.

I really like visiting other countries because, it is a special and a different activity beside the activities that you are doing home, in your bed, in your neighbourhood. You can learn new things such as history of the country, legends, myths, new ideas, language, games and such.

 As I mentioned above, I would love to go to China or any other Asiatic country. They are considered to be on of the oldest civilisations on Earth and they can prove this thanks to their culture. They have a unique type of language, they have unique views of life, the Buddhism is based on Asian area, the Taoism and so on.

Erika1524: mersi,dar ai putea sa modifici la ultimul raspuns in loc de china sau asia sa scrii spania,plz
Stropinel: I would love to visit Spain thanks to its architectural buildings, especially the Sagrada Familia. It is a wonderful architectural building and, the first thing I would do when I am arriving there is a big selfie with the massive construction. Honestly, I don't like Madrid as much as I like the Catalonian capital, Barcelona. Have you ever seen a picture from above of Barcelona? It is mesmerizing.
Erika1524: mersi
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