Engleza, întrebare adresată de gachatoby, 8 ani în urmă

Why do ....we sleep....(we / sleep)? From birth, we 2............. (spend) a third of our lives asleep but scientists still 3.............(not/know) exactly why.

Why 4...........(humans / have) problems sleeping? In modern society, many people 5.......(not/get) the recommended seven or eight hours a night. We 6.......(work) long hours and we rarely 7........(go) to bed at sunset.

Why 8........(we/ sleep) differently? It 9.......(depend) on the time of year and also our age. Teenagers always 10.............(need) more sleep than adults. Lots of elderly people 11........(not/ sleep) longer than four or five hours, but they often 12.........(take) naps during the day. ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de roselight516

2. spend

3. don't know

4. do humans have

5. dont get

6. work

7. go

8. do we sleep

9. depends

10. need

11. don't sleep

12. take


Răspuns de karinagilca

Sper ca te-am ajutat! succes !

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