Engleza, întrebare adresată de franchescagabriela0, 8 ani în urmă

with the
Look at the pictures a-d. Complete the
descriptions with these words.
1 She's got green eyes and she's short.
She's got ... curly hair.
2 He's got short hair and brown eyes.
3 She's tall. She's got ... wavy hair.
4 He's got straight hair and blue eyes.
He's ....
Ajutaţima va rog frumos​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Kokihella

1.She's got long curly hair.

2.He's got short hair and brown eyes.

He's tall.

3.She's tall. She's got short wavy hair.

4.He's got straight hair and blue eyes.

He's fair.

Kokihella: Stai sa o caut
franchescagabriela0: ok
franchescagabriela0: ai gasit
Kokihella: Cum se numeste?
Kokihella: Nu imi dau seama care..
franchescagabriela0: pai si ce trebue sa fac
franchescagabriela0: nu prea stiu cum se goloseste
franchescagabriela0: ai gasit
Kokihella: Da. Țiam raspuns
Kokihella: Acela cu poza cu ex. 2?
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