Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihaiwolf2006, 8 ani în urmă

Work in groups.Use all the pictures to make up a story for younger children.Make it nice and attractive.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tukipukilol

The Adventure Of Anne

Anne was a kind, hard-working girl. She always had the best grades in her class. She was also very popular in the school but not in a good way. She was being bullied by others. One day, Anne couldn't go to school, because she was feeling very sick. Instead of going to school, she slept. Then, she woke up out of her house, only to find a creature in an so called 'OZN'. She screamed at the shock she was in. The creature was very friendly and they offered her their OZN so she can go to school faster. She accepts the offer as she rushes to school. There, when she landed on the ground, she found herself getting beat up by her bullies. The creature was walking slowly towards them. Then, a sudden, crazy coloured aura appeared, picking Anne up, lifting her off the ground and giving her powers. With these, she could now stop the kids from bullying her. Inside the school, everyone was lpoking through the windows really shocked and scared. The bullies were now her friends and the others didn't care that she was a nerd or not. Everything was normal, as it should be from the start, thanks to the mysterious creature. She thanked them and then woke up from her dream. She was disappointed it was only a dream, but she felt really confident in herself after that.

nicolandersen1995: Mulțumesc
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