Engleza, întrebare adresată de ganeamihaela715, 8 ani în urmă

Work in pairs. Discuss these questions . Vă rog ajutați-mă , dau coroana​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ryadee


Since those early times, politics and morals have changed considerably. An especially controversial topic was the social role in society, mainly regarding gender, race and wealth. With each passing age comes reform, revolution, war, things that change the course of human life as it used to be known, and the cycle will continue. But as time passes, progress comes along, benefiting mankind and making life easier and safer in any respect. The technological progress evaluated a hundred years from now will mainly involve robots and machine that will replace or help the working force composed of people. This development could have been predicted ever since the industrial revolution. So the futuristic completely urbanized metal jungle age is not so far away.

ganeamihaela715: mulțumesc
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