Engleza, întrebare adresată de merkevelyn, 8 ani în urmă

Work on the model:
She was here. (there)
She wasn't there.
You were thirsty, (hungry) 2. I was at home. (at the cinema) 3. We were in the garden. (in
se street) 4. The milk was hot. (cold) 5. You were busy. (free) 6. Your hands were dirty.
Jean) 7. I was ill. (well) 8. We were present. (absent) 9. The children were happy. (sad)
0. The book was on the desk. (in the schoolbag)​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ambrageorgescu

You weren't hungry. I wasn't at the cinema.

We weren't in the street. The milk wasn't cold.

You weren't free. Your hands weren't clean. I wasn't well. We weren't absent. The children weren't sad. The book wasn't in the schoolbag.

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