Engleza, întrebare adresată de Viper51, 9 ani în urmă

Write 8 sentences about one member of your family

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ahs1234
My brother

I barely love my brother.he is 4 years old and he is soo cute. To have a little brother is very hard because I have a lot of responsabilities.And sometimes when he does something bad , mom says it is my fault. But i have no problems with it because i know my mom tryes to make my brother understand the difference between good and bad.My brother is very funny esspecialy when he tryes to speak fluently.He has big blue eyes and short black hair. I like having a brother.

sper ca te-am ajutat

Viper51: me mult bro
Viper51: cum sati dau coronita
ahs1234: desparte-le si tu frazele in propozitii, am scris mai multe fraze de ex:But i have no problems with it because i know my mom tryes to make my brother understand the difference between good and bad.- si scrii doar pana la -with it- apoi de la -i know- pana la -good and bad-
ahs1234: intelegi bro?
Viper51: ms mult esti tari fain
ahs1234: ms ms
ahs1234: primesc coronita? :)
xvaleria: dar poti sami traduce textul care lai scris
ahs1234: Imi iubesc fratele.El are 4 ani si e asa dragut. Nu e asa usor sa ai un frate mai mic deoarece am multe responsabilitati.Si cateodata cand face ceva rau, mama da vina pe mine.Dar nu am nicio problema fiinda stiu ca mama incearca sa il faca pe fratele meu sa faca diferenta intre bine si rau.Fratele meu e foarte amuzant mai ales cand incearca sa vorbeasca fluent.Are ochi mari si albastri si are parul scurt si negru.Imi place sa am un frate.
ahs1234: poftim :)
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