Engleza, întrebare adresată de laugamer07, 8 ani în urmă

Write a 200 word opinion essay on one of the following statements:
EVERYBODY must have the right to expression in democracy

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de HeavyPitcher

Răspuns:Se refera la dreptul referitor la libera exprimare dintr-un sistem...Scrie un eseu simplu de ce parere ai tu, personal de aproximativ 200 de cuvinte...

Democracy started many years ago...It started with wars, starvation and bankers who created the new world order! Are we living free, for real, with so many borders? Are we having the "freedom" of speech when we are right and are we able to cha he something up, when in reality everything is rotten? Jim Morrison said that the artist should have the freedom of the speech and the freedom of the music! Where is that freedom, when you placed interdiction against the metal music in the 80'? Where is your granted freedom, when Buddy Holly was killed by the government, exactly like Randy Rhoades or Cliff Burton?Is this planet a redemption, or we, the people, must digest your so called democracy by living the so called "American Dream", a satisfied couple, in their Chevy, watching an open air movie and consuming Coke and popcorn, right? No thank you, i do prefer my redemption! Later it will deliberate me with wiseness and with a real life! End of my particularly opinion about your democracy...


HeavyPitcher: Are we able to change...Scuze, am predictie la tableta...
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