Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioana1231671, 8 ani în urmă

Write a entry blog about your experience as a student and your idea of an ideal school. Use the words
-take in
-to have a hard time
-to look down
-to cheat
-to struggle with
-to sum up
-to take notes
-to deal with something

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de zenakouli12

My experience as a student had its own good and bad parts and there were tons of bad parts.Let's start with the good parts.The first thing is that I had lots of friends and I had loads of fun with them.The second thing is that I was a pretty smart kid and I loved every class that I had to attend.These are some of teh good parts.Now let's go to the bad ones.The first one is that I had to take notes every time I was in class and I hated it.The second thing is that I had to cheat to evry test to increase my grades.The third thing is that I had to share one dormitory with 4 of my classmates and they were very noisy.And the worst thing is that I had to stay up late to revise and do homework for the next day.I was exhausted.I had a hard time în school and I struggled very much.My ideal school would have special people who would help you when you are dealing with somethig hard

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