Engleza, întrebare adresată de MUZICAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, 9 ani în urmă

Write a latter to you friend , telling him/her about your daily routine. ( words 80 ) Va rog ajutatima !

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Dear........................(Scrii ce nume vrei tu)
 Sorry I didn't been in touch for such a long time.I wrote this letter just to tell you what I did today.
Well,first of all,I woke up at 8 a'clock,I made my bed,I washed my face and I brushed my teeth.Then,I ate the breakfast and I started studying.At 11:30 AM I  arrived to school.After 6 hours,I came back home.I ate the dinner,then I started doing my homework.When I wrote it,I jumped in my bed and I fall asleep.Well,that's not really that much,but that is my daily rountine,except for Saturdays,and Sundays.Let me know is your daily routine,writing me back a letter!

Hugs and kisses from,
.........................(Scrii ce nume vrei)

MUZICAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: Ms il astept si pe al doilea
Utilizator anonim: Bine
Geta1955: Nu exista forma verbala "didn't been".....
Utilizator anonim: stiu mi-am dat seama de dimineata dar acum nu ma mai lasa sa modific
Utilizator anonim: am scris din repezeala
Geta1955: De asemenea, e o neconcordanta logica in compunere: "... to tell you what I did TODAY", iar la final spui "I jumped in my bed and I fall asleep"...
Utilizator anonim: am inteles,va multumesc din suflet!
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