Engleza, întrebare adresată de TeuPateu, 8 ani în urmă

write a letter to your friend about a book​
Va roog!!!!
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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de RosyMarinette

Va trebui să-l scrii cam la fel:

Hello Alexander! I hope you are ok. I wrote this letter for you, because I want to tell you about a great book, named Warrior Cats. In this book, the cats are fighting. A simple cat has becomed a warrior. His name was Rusty, but now, his name in Fire Heart. This cat is protecting his clan fro Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw is an evil cat, who want to become the leader of ThunderClan. This book is a little sad, because some cats has died. SpottedLeaf, for example.

I hope you will also read this book.

Your friend, ( aici pui numele tău )

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