Engleza, întrebare adresată de Luck151, 8 ani în urmă

Write a narrative essay on the following topic:''Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes.Talk about a mistake you have made and the lessons you have learned"

Luck151: 200 de cuvinte
marariuemanuela2002: dă-mi o idee de greseala
marariuemanuela2002: facuta de tine, poate sa fie si imaginara.
Luck151: poti spune de exemplu ca ai judecat pe cineva gresit, fara sa l cunosti si defapt era o persoana buna
Luck151: sau ca ai sticat ceva
marariuemanuela2002: Ok. mersi

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marariuemanuela2002


It was a day of summer and I decided to hang out with my friend Jessica. We went in a park near of my house. She started to talk about her new friend Laura. I didn't know her and I suggested to Jessica that I should meet Laura too. After we talk and played in park we went to our houses. Next week we had gone to meet Laura. She was a tall girl, same with our age with thin voice and very noise. I didn't liked her but I didn't want to tell about Laura to Jessica because

she might be upset on me so every time when Laura wanted to hang out with me and Jessica, I always had ignored Laura. After two weeks I started to like Jessica's friend because her jokes was very good and the kind of her laugh, I liked her kindness and she was pretty. I felt guilty because I judge her appearance and not her behave. learned that nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes and we mustn't to judge a book by its covers.

sper ca te-am ajutat

Luck151: multumesc!
marariuemanuela2002: cu mare drag!
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