Engleza, întrebare adresată de Magnifique, 9 ani în urmă

Write a paragraph in 100 words to comment on the following saying:
,,Beauty isn't about having a pretty face.It is about having a pretty mind,a pretty heart,and mos importantly,a beautiful soul.,,
va rog mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de niuhu
The people in our days , care just about beautiful ness.And why? I don't care If you're beautiful,or no,If you're ugly or no, If you're Pretty or no .I care about your soul.About your mind and heart because these are the best tings in a human.If you have a beautiful face,but an ugly soul, a stone heart and a frozen mind,I don't care about you.You're not my human,or a possible friend.I don't care about your look,your hair,your chlotes,your shoes,your FACE.I care about your beautiful soul,about your cute and sentimental heart and about your open mind.Not the clothes make the human.Don't judge too quickly! You can hurt people.In reality ,they are the best open minded people ,and they can beat you in every thing.Why we judge if we don't know? Haters gonna hate,but I never judge a human about his face or clothes.This is me,and I can't hurt anyone.window.
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